Fabric overload.


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I have been making the mice for about a year the house has been building up it’s impressive but unstable fabric piles. Miss A has discovered free cycle so I have been dispatched over all of London to collect and on one memorable occasion a large rucksack and 4 massive laundry bags full of fabric was carted across central London in the pouring rain was almost my undoing as I could feel the will to live draining out of me.

I mean it about the fabric piles unstable heaps that have colonised the floor the table, ironing board the computer is buried and long forgotten my side of the bedroom has been lost to the fabric and I know that a number of bags now call the cupboard under the stairs home. I am reduced to sitting in the shed for safety as if one of the mounds fall someone needs to be on hand to dig the other and the cat out of the landslide. I would include photo but murder would swiftly follow.

We did a number of festivals and large markets and Miss A was always making new items so we went from kindle and ipad covers to phone, passport and hot water bottles covers, compact mirrors pouches glasses cases, cushions, purses and the mice. All I can make were the mice a help yes but not much.

Miss A was asked to make some bunting for Hatchards book shop in London and as it’s just straight stitching I could help so she cut out the triangles and I stitched them inside out but then all that needed doing was attaching the flags to the bias binding again just a straight line stitching no corners to tackle so I did it all.


I then went a bit mad and starting making bunting by the meter.


At last count I think I have made about 60m and sold my first 3m length today.


On my own sewing machine no less.

I still need help with putting the fabrics together as I have no colour co-ordination, taste and I have serious problem with seeing certain colours.


Attempting the cutting out of the shirt tomorrow.

fabric fabric everywhere


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ImageI work in heavy engineering my days are filled with heat, flame, chemicals and molton glass. Plus I’m a big chap with a rugby players build and sadly a rugby players face, so I’m not really up to speed on fabrics, cotton, overlocking sewing machines. I never knew the difference between a backcloth and a pollycotton and as for a seam allowance what would I know!

But I met my other half and she did know about the aforementioned stuff and more oh so much more.

This isn’t a love story across space, time and some nice floral print liberty rather a documentation of my gradual inexorably slide into something I had never even contemplated.

A (the other half) is the creative type its her job her hobby and her enjoyment, so a few years ago she started a market stall selling gadget covers. It was good we sold a few things I was mainly used for heavy lifting but on the stall A had created catnip and lavender mice. I decided in a moment of utter madness to help make the mice I understood the principle of using a sewing machine I also understand the principles of flight but that doesn’t mean if I jump off a cliff and flap my arms I would take to the air like a nimble bird.

I plummeted on my first few sewing machine attempts but I got there eventually and now make all the catnip and lavender mice.

So we continued…